Rob Meagher

Hearing Instrument Specialist

Rob Meagher is a Hearing Instrument Specialist who joined us in 1986. Rob has been wearing hearing aids himself since he was 5 years old and knows personally the importance of wearing hearing aids that are properly fitted. After years running our Cornwall Clinic and doing House Calls, Rob is now working full time at our Ottawa South clinic on River Rd right at the Vimy Memorial Bridge crossing over to Barrhaven.

Hearing Aid

Our Team Members Listed By Location:


Ottawa - Ogilvie Rd
Genevieve Sandre
Paula Carrero

Ottawa - Rideau St
Francine Larochelle

Ottawa - Sherwood Dr
David Morasse
Hailey Ainlay

Ottawa - River Rd
Julie Plourde
Maryam Sermelwall

Kemptville Clinic
Josée Menges

Pembroke Clinic
Cindy Handke
Farnaz Imani

Renfrew Clinic
Lindsay Delorey


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