Serene CA-CX Phone Signaler

Serene CA-CX Phone Signaler


Stay safe and connected at home. The CA-CX phone signaller has less functionality than the CA-360, but can still be used as a stand alone system for people who just need to connect their phone and doorbell.

Serene CA-CX Phone Signaler Key Features: 

  • Bright indicator lights alert you to a missed call or text message
  • Compatible with home landline phones, cell phones, VP, Skype and FaceTime (activated after 3 sec of vibration)
  • Unique flashing patterns and adjustable ring tones to distinguish between landline calls, cell phone calls and Skype
  • Can adjust the ring volume (high, low, or off) - Up to 95dB
  • Missed call or SMS message indicator light for the cell phone (not for landline phones)
  • 2.5mm to 3.5mm cable included for phones that are not being detected or to plug into the audio jack of computer or tablet for audible alerts such as Facebook messages, video chats, etc.
  • USB port for cell phone charging
  • Jack for optional bed shaker so no missed calls while you sleep
  • Battery (4 AA Alkaline) backup in case of power outages
  • This device is great as an additional Remote Receiver for addition rooms that someone spends less time in
  • This device is also a great standalone option (without CA-360 unit) and is much more affordable for people who’s only request is wanting to hear doorbell or phone ringing (especially if someone does need a clock or is younger and want something that looks less intrusive)
  • compatible with door bell accessory

Shipping Within Canada Only

To comply with regulatory standards, we do not ship medical devices or accessories internationally. For inquiries or clarification, please contact our customer support team.

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