Ear Wax Removal Services
Ear Wax Removal in Ottawa and Eastern Ontario
Although ear wax production is natural, hearing aid users are far more susceptible to wax buildup than others. Each time a hearing aid is inserted it will push the wax in as it enters, leaving a residual ridge at the end of the hearing aid. Over time this can build up and block the ear canal or fill the sound tube of the hearing aid. Both of these lead to reduced hearing acuity.
Our Audiologists and Hearing Instrument Specialists who are certified in wax management have access to several different systems of ear wax removal depending on the type of wax and the location in your ear canal. The systems that we use are suction, curettes and flushing with water.
Ear wax removal is a service that we provide for all of our existing patients and anyone who uses a hearing aid regardless of where it was purchased.
Please note that we are not accepting new patients during our normal clinic hours for ear wax removal unless they are currently wearing hearing aids. Our services are not covered by OHIP and due to our scheduling constraints, we are not able to offer ear wax removal appointments to the general public without extending wait times for our hearing aid clients.
We do understand that having a wax blockage can be very frustrating and can negatively impact your day-to-day activities. For this reason, we have started a special Weekend Wax Clinic held at our 1399 Bank St, Ottawa clinic once a month (typically on the 3rd Saturday of the month, though it may vary based on holidays). Click here for more information on our wax clinic. If you can not make it to this clinic, we recommend that you see your family physician or visit a walk-in clinic for an ear wax removal procedure.

Schedule A Wax Removal Appointment

Weekend Wax Removal Clinic:
Who: Anyone over 3 years of age can book during the wax removal clinic. Appointments during our normal clinics hours are reserved for hearing aid users.
When: Typically either the Saturday or Sunday on the 3rd Weekend of the Month (may change based on holidays – check with us to confirm)
Where: 1399 Bank St, Ottawa (By appointment only)
How: Wax impaction is professionally removed using suction, irrigation, or manually with specialized instruments.
Appointment Cost: $90
To book a wax removal appointment, please call 613-288-4281 or fill in our online form.
Softening Wax Before Your Appointment:
Please note that for severe cases where hard wax has built up over time, it is best if the person softens the ear wax prior to their appointment. This can be done by putting drops of oil (such as baby oil, olive oil or mineral oil) into the ear canals daily leading up to the appointment.
*Do not use oil to soften ear wax if:
- You have a perforation or tubes in your ear drum
- You have a history of issues after getting water in your ears