COVID-19 Screening Form

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Vous avez des questions sur la perte auditive?

Nous avons créé ce document pour vous aider à comprendre la perte auditive et ce qui doit être considerer pour faire le bon choix de prothèse auditives. Il vous fournira des informations générales et vous invitera à poser les bonnes questions avant de prendre une décision finale. Nous espérons que cela vous aidera à améliorer votre audition..

Recent Blog Posts

Clarity XLC8 Phone

Clarity XLC8 Phone

Ring, Ring: Pick Up the New Clarity XLC8 Phone If you saw our Clarity XLC7BT blog post a few months ago, you know that we were absolutely thrilled to finally find a phone compatible with Phonak’s Marvel and Paradise Bluetooth hearing aids. Well, we now have more...

Our Team’s Top Picks for Supporting Local

Our Team’s Top Picks for Supporting Local

Davidson Hearing Aid Centres is a family owned business serving the greater Ottawa area for over 77 years. As such, we understand the sentiment behind supporting local. We asked our team to share some of their favourite local businesses for you. Here they are...

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

The sudden loss of hearing in one or both ears can be overwhelming and scary, but knowing what to do in this situation is very important for bettering your chances for a full recovery. In some cases, sudden hearing loss will result in a permanent loss, where hearing...