COVID-19 Screening Form

Please complete this form prior to your appointment. Thank you!

Vous avez des questions sur la perte auditive?

Nous avons créé ce document pour vous aider à comprendre la perte auditive et ce qui doit être considerer pour faire le bon choix de prothèse auditives. Il vous fournira des informations générales et vous invitera à poser les bonnes questions avant de prendre une décision finale. Nous espérons que cela vous aidera à améliorer votre audition..

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Clarity XLC7BT Phone

Clarity XLC7BT Phone

The Long-Awaited Landline for Marvel Hearing Aids Whether it is just in case of an emergency, nostalgia for the phone number you have had for years, or because you have spotty cell phone service, many people still have a landline at home. As most hearing aid users...

Are Hearing Aids Cool?

Are Hearing Aids Cool?

In one of our recent TV commercials, Wayne Rostad says "in fact, they're cool" when talking about some of the things that modern hearing aids can do. Over the years, there has been such a stigma around hearing aids that his statement may seem laughable to most people,...

Top 5 Reasons To Wear Your Hearing Aids At Home

Top 5 Reasons To Wear Your Hearing Aids At Home

We are all spending more time at home than we would normally due to COVID-19. Social distancing has created different ways of connecting with our friends and family through online and virtual platforms. In our quieter lifestyles, one may ask whether hearing aids are...