Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)

Davidson Hearing Aid Centres is registered with the ODSP program to offer hearing benefits for those who qualify. This program covers those under the ODSP, MCSS and ACSD categories.

If you are receiving Ontario Disability Support Program Income Support, you may be able to get additional help with your hearing aids and mobility devices.

The Ontario Disability Support Program may help with:

  • purchasing hearing aids
  • purchasing an alerting system (for example, a visual smoke alarm)
  • repairing a hearing aid
  • replacing a battery for a hearing aid or device.

Who is eligible?

You, your spouse and children under 18 years of age are eligible for help with alerting systems, and batteries and repairs for hearing aids and devices. Dependent children 18 years of age or over are not eligible but may get help from Ontario Works discretionary benefits.

How do I get these benefits?

You need to contact your local Ontario Disability Support Program office to get approval before you buy a hearing aid, an alerting system, buy batteries or get repairs.

This benefit covers the cost of items if other funding is not available.

Visit the ODSP Website