Top 5 Reasons To Wear Your Hearing Aids At Home
We are all spending more time at home than we would normally due to COVID-19. Social distancing has created different ways of connecting with our friends and family through online and virtual platforms. In our quieter lifestyles, one may ask...
Remote Support – Can Your Hearing Aids Connect?
Remote Support is a feature that allows our hearing health care professionals to connect with the hearing aid user through a smartphone app in real time. Through audio and video communication, we can answer questions, help troubleshoot, and make...
COVID-19 Update
As the Ontario Government moves towards opening up the retail and health service sectors, we will be bringing our full staff back to our clinics on May 19th. Even though we will be back in the clinics, our office doors will remain closed for a...
Masks and Hearing Aids
We seem to be moving towards a time where everyone will be wearing masks in public places. When we are able to open our clinic doors again, staff and clients alike will most likely be donning masks. Although more and more articles and papers are...
Pairing Phonak Marvel hearing aids
Unlike many other manufacturers which have settled on the MFi Bluetooth low energy platform, which pair primarily to iPhones and a very select few Android devices, Phonak has decided to use Bluetooth Classic. This allows their direct connect Audeo,...
Pairing MFi hearing aids
Many of the latest models of Beltone, Bernafon, Oticon, ReSound, Signia, Starkey and Widex hearing aids make use of Apple's MFi technology (made for iPhone). This video walks you through the steps of how to pair your hearing aids to your iPhone or...
Presbycusis and it’s effects on speech understanding
What is Presbycusis? Presbycusis is a pattern of hearing loss found in older adults, also known as age related hearing loss. The natural degeneration of the hearing system as we age is common. A typical onset of presbycusis can go unnoticed for 2-5...
Hearing Loss and the Telephone; A Complicated Relationship
For hearing aid users, using the telephone can be a challenging task. Proper placement, speaker phone, environmental noise are all things one must consider when answering a phone call. Speech understanding over the telephone can be difficult for...
Coldest Night of The Year 2020
On February 22, 2020 – We Walk to Make a Difference! The Coldest Night of the Year is a family-friendly walk that raises money for charities serving hungry, homeless, and hurting people in local communities across Canada. A team of Davidson Hearing...