November represents Diabetes Awareness Month. Did you know that diabetes is one of the most common diseases that affects Canadians? Diabetes is another major area for concern within the research community. Researchers believe that individuals who have diabetes are...
Sound Quality is Tied to Dome Size and Style
Do Dome Sizes Really Matter? Users of RIC (receiver-in-the-canal) or RITE (receiver-in-the-ear) hearing aids most commonly use silicone domes to direct the amplified sounds into their ear canals. Many different dome sizes and styles are available for each model of...
Are Hand Dryers Too Loud?
High powered jet hand dryers started appearing in public restrooms in the late 2000’s. The days of standing in front of the hand dryer for what seemed like minutes were soon to be over as convenience and time efficiency was positively received. However, the noise...
Understanding Otosclerosis
Otosclerosis is a medical condition that affects the ossicular chain in the middle ear, leading to hearing loss. The ossicular chain is composed of three bones: the malleus, the incus and the stapes. These bones connect the ear drum to the cochlea in the inner ear....
Acclimatization: The Common Struggles Adjusting to New Hearing Aids
It takes time to adjust to new hearing aids, here’s why... Whether you are being fit with your first pair or your fifth pair of hearing aids, changes in amplification can sound very strange and even uncomfortable at first. This is similar to putting on a new pair of...
What Does a Mythbuster Think of Widex EVOKE?
Widex recently posted this video of Adam Savage of Mythbuster talking about his hearing loss and the latest model of their hearing aids. It is very interesting to hear how much of a difference his hearing aids have made in his life. He also discusses how much of an...
Are Electric Vehicles Too Quiet?
Energy efficiency over safety There is quiet, and then there is too quiet. Researchers fear that hybrid and electric cars are unsafe for hard of hearing individuals and pedestrians. Hybrids and fully electric cars recently experienced a growth in popularity with new...
Speech Reading – A learnable skill to help navigate hearing loss
What is Speech Reading? Most people with hearing loss use visual cues to help them understand the speech. Some individuals have a natural ability to speech read, others without appropriate training often struggle with speech comprehension or rely solely on their...
The Importance of Language Development in Children
Hearing aids are designed to amplify the sounds surrounding us, but most importantly the sounds of speech. However, understanding speech is only one part of the process of communication. The development of speech itself is a complex process that takes years to...