COVID-19 Screening Form

Please complete this form prior to your appointment. Thank you!

Vous avez des questions sur la perte auditive?

Nous avons créé ce document pour vous aider à comprendre la perte auditive et ce qui doit être considerer pour faire le bon choix de prothèse auditives. Il vous fournira des informations générales et vous invitera à poser les bonnes questions avant de prendre une décision finale. Nous espérons que cela vous aidera à améliorer votre audition..

Recent Blog Posts

COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 Update

As the Ontario Government moves towards opening up the retail and health service sectors, we will be bringing our full staff back to our clinics on May 19th. Even though we will be back in the clinics, our office doors will remain closed for a little bit longer as we...

Masks and Hearing Aids

Masks and Hearing Aids

We seem to be moving towards a time where everyone will be wearing masks in public places. When we are able to open our clinic doors again, staff and clients alike will most likely be donning masks. Although more and more articles and papers are coming out by the day...