Oticon Accessories
The latest Oticon hearing aids also have the ability of connecting to many devices in your day to day environment. Whether it is better hearing on the phone, improved clarity of TV, audio streaming of Bluetooth music, or simply hands free cell phone use, they have a perfect solution for you.

Connect Remote
Easy to use remote control for your hearing aids.
- Large buttons
- Adjust the volume
- Change programs

Full User Manual

Connect Clip
Remote control and Bluetooth receiving device
- Hands free cell phone use
- Doubles as a remote control
- Rechargeable battery

Full User Manual

TV Adaptor 3.0
Transmit the TV volume directly through your hearing aids
- Control your own volume
- Improved clarity of speech
- Transmits directly to the hearing aids

Full User Manual

Streamer Pro
The Streamer Pro allows you to control your wireless Oticon hearing aids while connecting them to external devices including your cell phones and TV.
- Hands free cell phone use
- Doubles as a remote control
- Rechargeable battery

Full User Manual

TV Adaptor 2.0
Using the Streamer Pro, you can transmit the TV volume directly through your hearing aids.
- Control your own volume
- Improved clarity of speech
- Works in conjunction with the Streamer Pro