Phonak Smartphone Apps

Phonak has created a range of Smartphone apps that were designed to provide hearing aid users with even more functionality. Below is a listing of their apps and information on each.

myPhonak App

Designed specifically for the latest Phonak hearing aids. This App allows you to control all aspects of your Marvel devices. It also allows you to communicate directly to your hearing care professional.

  • Adjust volume and programs on your hearing aids
  • Adjust tone and settings
  • See and talk with your hearing care professional during your remote fitting session

Compatible with ParadiseMarvel and Audeo B-Direct hearing aids

myCall-to-Text App

The Phonak myCall-to-Text app allows you to read, in real time, what the person on the other end of the phone says.

  • Live transcription of phone calls in more than 80 languages
  • The other person can use any type of phone (mobile, office or fixed line) and does not need to install the app
  • Save the trascription for later review

Compatible with ParadiseMarvel and Audeo B-Direct hearing aids

myPhonakRoger App

myRogerMic App

With the myRogerMic app, you can control your Roger On device from your smartphone. It allows you to customize your microphone settings according to environment and personal preferences.

  • Change microphone mode
  • Steer the direction of the beam towards the speaker you want to hear
  • Mute/unmute microphone

Compatible with Roger On transmitter

myPhonak Junior Smartphone App

myPhonak Junior App

Allows you and your child to be more involved in the hearing journey in a way that fits into the child’s and the family’s needs. Working together with your hearing care professional is essential to determine which features of the app will be most beneficial.

  • Adjust the volume and change program of the hearing aids
  • Personalize and customize hearing programs to suit challenging environments
  • Access status information such as wearing time and rechargeable battery life
  • Quick information, FAQs, tips and tricks

Compatible with Sky Marvel, Sky Link M & Phonak Naida P-UP

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